Some Fuji X Gear, and a Quick catch up.
Gear, gear, gear; My main setup for day to day work.
So my gear situation has made a few changes since the last 'my gear' post and I always like to take some pictures of my gear (yes I'm one of those guys) and go over what I'm using and a bit about why and how I do what I do.
Whats in the bag?
Two XE-2's, X100, Instax & batteries and cards.
56mm, 35mm, 23mm & 18mm lenses
Nissin i40 flash, ND filters & Portable backup drive
So, let's talk gear, from last time I've sold some stuff and bought some stuff, mainly upgrading my lens selection and slightly altering the way I work, I've got rid of my 60mm macro and added the much loved 56mm, (56mm review here) and sunk some money into the equally loved 23mm lens, of which I've got a review here. This has changed how I work from taking 2 bodies and swapping out for a wide angle if I wanted a wider shot to just using the 23/56 combo, I'm finding I rarely need to go wider than this, if I do the 18mm is in my pocket (gotta love the small size).
This has meant I can do away with carrying a bag for most of a wedding, taking the extra batteries and cards in my pockets, this means I can move a bit more freely and don't have to watch that my bag might knock someone while moving in a tight space.
We also have the yongnuo 560 flash guns swapped for a Nissin i40 <<review | which has made for a lighter system and a flash I can carry in my pocket.
The Fuji Instax Mini 8 has been added, it was bought as a present and I can't get enough of it, its so nice being able to engage with people and give them an instant print, its strange how old tech comes around to be impressive once more.
I sold the XE1 and now use two XE2's, bought some more batteries and cards (to cover events that are one day after each other without having to worry about recharging/refreshing all of my gear)
Overall I'm still loving the fuji gear and it's so nice to see so many people now making the switch and realising this system can do what you need it to. I've also got into shooting a bit more film on an old OM-2 which is not only great fun but it also influences my digital photography by making you think that little bit more, I'll be posting more film stuff as and when I shoot it.
I've put a few examples of recent work up here and some personal work, as for the future I'm very happy with the current setup and can't see myself buying anything else for a good while (although I have said that before) I'll be very keen to try some of the new fuji stuff but I doubt I'll be getting it right away, the new 16mm and upcoming 90mm lenses look very nice indeed, but for me don't provide anything different enough to be worth upgrading. One switch I'm tempted to do is to sell the 8mm Samyang fisheye and get a 12mm Samyang, I love the fisheye but the look can be overused and something that keeps straight lines straight would get more use from me.
As always thanks for visiting and if you could give me a like/follow on my social media outlets you can keep up with what I'm up to and stay in touch: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Cheers, Col
Fuji X100 - F2 | iso200 | 1/640th - VSCO preset - Kodak Portra 400 VC ++
Fuji X-E2 + 35mm - F3.6 | iso200 | 1/600th - VSCO preset - Kodak Portra 400 VC ++
Fuji X-E2 + 35mm - F1.4 | iso320 | 1/125th - VSCO preset - Kodak Portra 400 UC ++
Fuji X-E2 + 23mm - F1.4 | iso200 | 1/160th - VSCO preset - Kodak Portra 400 UC ++ [with a little added warmth]
Fuji X100 - F16 | iso200 | 1/8th - VSCO preset - Kodak Portra 400 UC ++ [Built in ND is on, handheld]
Fuji X100 - F8 | iso200 | 1/220th - VSCO preset - Kodak Portra 400 VC -
Fuji X100 - F2 | iso200 | 1/750th - VSCO preset - Kodak Portra 160 VC ++
Fuji X-E2 + 23mm - F5.6 | iso200 | 1/950th - VSCO preset - Kodak Portra VC++
Fuji X-E2 + 23mm - F1.8 | iso320 | 1/125th - VSCO preset - Kodak Portra VC ++
Fuji X-E2 + 56mm - F1.2 | iso200 | 1/3800th - VSCO preset - Kodak Portra VC ++
Fuji X-E2 + 56mm - F1.2 | iso200 | 1/4000th - VSCO preset - Kodak Portra VC ++