That Moment - Why a photos matters
That would indeed be a jar of picked onions and a pebble.
Continuing my series of blog posts 'explaining' my work and why I've taken photo and just what it means I've decide this week to go with this rather odd photo, which to an outsider means nothing, but to those who were at the wedding means rather a lot more.
So what do we have, well it's a used table after the speeches and the focus is on a jar of pickled onions and a pebble, the reason for their importance goes back to the father of the bride's speech. During the first part of his speech he was recalling what his daughter was like as a child and growing up and a common theme in this was her love of pickled onions, which he presented to her as a gift, it may seem like an odd thing but we all have running jokes in our families, private moments that mean more to us that outsiders, my job as a photographer is to try and see these moments and view a scene from their point of view.
The pebble again was in the speeches, where it was mentioned that the couples love of penguins, such as featuring on their invites, was of special importance, then a short sorry of how male penguins, when courting scour the beach for the most beautiful perfect pebble, then present it to their would be mate. The father of the bride then gifted his new son with a box of pebbles he had been collecting over the past year for him to select his choice for his new bride, the pebble in the photo is the one which he chose.
So after the speeches were done and I noticed these two items next to each other on the table I couldn't not get a photo.
Thats it for this entry, as always feel free to comment below and I hope that gives some insight into why I take the images I take and that an odd photo can often have much more meaning to those who have experienced it.